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Latest poll shows 6%-point lead for ND over SYRIZA in Europarliament elex

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) party is given only a six-percentage-point lead over ruling SYRIZA in the latest opinion poll gauging voters’ preferences for the May 26 European parliament election, 23.4 percent to 17.5 percent for the latter.  

The smaller difference is the result of a poll by the firm Palmos Analysis commissioned and posted on the news website TVXS, which was founded and managed by a current SYRIZA MEP.

The undecided vote reaches 31.4 percent of respondents.

In terms of other parties exceeding the 3-percent threshold for representation in the Europarliament, the Kinima Allagis formation mostly coalescing around the once formidable PASOK receives 6.2 percent; the Communist Party (KKE) polls 5.8 percent, while the extreme right-wing Golden Dawn (Chryssi Avgi) party is given 3.6 percent, roughly half the support it has posted in other opinion polls.