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Zaev to Europarliament: Faith in Europe led to us to historic agreement with Greece

The prime minister of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (fYRoM), Zoran Zaev, told MEPs at the European Parliament on Thursday that his country’s “faith in Europe is one of the incentives that led us to a historic agreement with Greece”.

Zaev spoke at a Europarliament plenary session in Strasbourg, only weeks before crucial Sept. 30 referendum in the neighboring country on the very agreement, called the “Prespes (Prespa) Agreement” after the lake district that comprises the western-most border region between the two countries.

 The social democrat politician was roundly applauded by the majority of MEPs in the assembly. He began his address referring to the “people of Macedonia” and a “historic moment”, given that it was the first time a prime minister from the country has address the European Parliament.