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Athens chamber survey: 7 out 10 can’t pay tax, social security obligations

A study unveiled this week by the Athens Chamber if Commerce shows that seven out of every 10 respondents in a recent survey cited an inability to meet their current tax and social security contributions.

The second such chamber report for 2016, called “Economic Barometer”, paints a bleak picture for the still-recession plagued Greek economy.  

According to results of the study, which was conducted by the opinion pollster Alco and commission by the chamber (EBEA), 89 percent of respondents consider that recent decisions by the leftist Greek government on tax and social security issues are recessionary.   

Moreover, 78 percent of respondents said additional austerity measures will be necessary in order to meet memorandum-mandated targets.  

The seven-out-of-10 figure (69 percent) emanating from respondents’ answers vis-a-vis their ability to pay taxes and social security contributions is 10 percentage points higher than a corresponding figure given in a similar survey in February 2014.