Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos told Parliament deputies on Wednesday that his leftist-rightist coalition government was negotiating a “reinforced supervision” with creditors and not a precautionary credit line for the post-bailout period.
Tsakalotos, along with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and opposition party leaders, spoke in Parliament on a debate revolving around a “growth strategy” plan submitted to creditors this past month. European institutions have demanded a blueprint on how the current government plans to boost economic growth in the country once the third and last memorandum program ends in August 2018.
“The staff-level agreement has finished; we have a month for (implementation of) the ‘prior actions’; discussions over the debt continues, and is near concluding, and we’ll know how the post-memorandum supervision will be under article 472, qualitatively speaking,” he said, while accusing the opposition, especially main opposition New Democracy (ND) party, of failing to touch on the substance of the Tsipras government’s plan.