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Prespes agreement heads back to fYRoM parliament after president refuses to sign pact

A recently concluded bilateral agreement between Athens and Skopje to finally resolve the fYRoM “name issue” was returned to the neighboring country’s Parliament on Tuesday, following a refusal by the president of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (fYRoM), Gjorge Ivanov, to sign the pact.

 According to diplomatic sources in Skopje, the next moves in terms of ratifying the “Prespes Agreement” include:

– Another vote by a Parliament plenum in the neighboring country on July 5

– Declaration of a referendum, possibly to take place on July 5 or July 17

– Based on the constitution in the one-time Yugoslav constituent state, the pre-election period lasts from 60 to 90 days

– The goal is for the referendum to be held on Sept. 16, although later dates are also possible

– What remains to be determined is if the referendum will have a binding or decisive character