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JTI Hellas participates in the 2nd Eastern Mediterranean and Southeastern Europe Conference in Brussels

The participants in the individual discussions focused their interest on the challenges facing the Eastern Mediterranean and South-Eastern Europe today

JTI Hellas actively participated in the proceedings of the 2nd Eastern Mediterranean and Southeast Europe Conference organized by the Delphi Economic Forum in Brussels.

Energy transformation, energy autonomy, the eventual integration of the Western Balkans into the European Union, as well as the new perspectives that are opening up for the region, featured prominently in the main topics of the conference.

The participants in the individual discussions focused their interest on the challenges facing the Eastern Mediterranean and South-Eastern Europe today.

JTI was among the supporters of the Conference and its presence was related to the upgrading of the company’s outreach activities and to its active and continuous interest in the economic and development challenges in the region.

According to the Corporate Affairs Manager, Symeon Sidiropoulos, who attended and watched the proceedings of the Conference, “the business and development environment of the wider region is of particular interest to our company, both in relation to the placement of new important investments and in matters of business networking with the local communities”.