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fYRoM FM: Next month’s meeting with UN mediator, Greek FM of an ‘exploratory nature’

The foreign minister of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (fYRoM), Nikola Dimitrov, on Tuesday said a planned meeting with his Greek counterpart Nikos Kotzias next month, in the presence of UN special mediator Matthew Nimetz, will be of an “exploratory nature”. 

Athens and the one-time Yugoslav republic to Greece’s immediate north have been locked in a decades-old dispute over the name “Macedonia”, with the official Greek side viewing the latter’s constitutional name as encroaching on Greece’s biggest province, Macedonia. 

Dimitrov told local media that Nimetz, a long-time mediator in the dispute, may exploit the fact that the meeting will be the first to broach the “name issue” after a lengthy hiatus, whereby a discussion may take place on a future process for a resolution. 

According to initial reports, the Greek and fYRoM FMs will meet in Brussels on Dec. 11 and 12.