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IHS Markit: With current growth rates, Greek economy will return to 2007 levels in 2040

IHS Markit forecasts sluggish growth rates for the Greek economy over the medium term, adding that projected growth is not enough to reduce the public debt.   

The London-based global information provider  also forecasts that unless economic growth is accelerated in the country, real GDP will return to 2007 levels in far-off 2040. In terms of the country’s external debt, IHS Markit predicts that in 2030 it will be roughly 20 percentage points higher than the current official target.

A relevant study, headed by economist Elisabeth Waelbroeck-Rocha, was presented on Wednesday in Athens.

For 2019, the study forecast GDP growth of a mere 1.7 percent, and 1.4 percent over the 2020-2030 period.