By S. Papapetros
[email protected]
Labor Minister Efi Achtsioglou told “N” this week that the Tsipras government’s planned increase of the minimum monthly wage, as well as the abolition of a “sub-minimum” scale for wage-earners under the age of 25, will also affect – upwards – no less than 24 different subsidies and stipends related to the wage scale level.
The proposed increase in the minimum wage scale is one of the poll-trailing government’s main initiatives to regain momentum ahead of three elections scheduled for 2019, including general elections. The issue must also be discussed with creditors’ auditors, as Greece remains in a post-bailout “enhanced supervision” status.
“These increases will be included in benefits, automatically, in February,” she said, in an interview with “N”. She added that the government-mandated increases in private sector wage scales will increase benefits for the unemployed, college students and working mothers, among others, pointing to up to 300,000 people as benefiting.
Asked about a plan to allow a 120-month installment plan to repay arrears to social security funds, she pointed to March 2019 as the period for its debut.
Just as importantly, she promised a “haircut” of up to 85 percent in fines and interest tacked on to past arrears.