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Private daycare schools demand debts owed to them by the state

By S. Emmanouil

Greece’s private daycare and child care facilities this week charged that the state owes them a total of 90 million euros, a figure that is threatening to generate a wave of closings.

According to the president of the national federation of private daycare schools and kindergartens, the debts owed to the sector’s businesses, along with other problems, such unlicensed businesses, daycare units disguised as playrooms and the red-tape involved with subsidization through the Partnership Agreement 2014-2020 choking legally registered businesses.

In statements to “N”, Giorgos Stathopoulos said the federation wants the immediate payment of 44 percent (73.6 million euros) of a relevant subsidy program, as well as the third tranche of regional governments’ resources due to the sector, 90 million euros.

Stathopoulos also said 580 such daycare schools and kindergartens have closed their doors over the last decade.