European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici on Sunday again expressed his confidence over an agreement between bailout-dependent Greece and its institutional creditors, speaking a day before a closely watched Eurogroup meeting in Brussels is expected to rubber-stamp the second review of the Greek program.
“We are very close to an overall agreement,” Moscovici told France Inter radio. “Greece has assumed its responsibilities,” he added, a reference to the most recent austerity and reform packaged passed by a slim majority of MPs in the Greek parliament on Thursday.
“I now wish that we, the partners of Greece, also take our responsibilities,” Reuters quoted the EU Commissioner as saying on the broadcast.
Beyond concluding the second review and unblocking continued funding from the current bailout program, the increasingly unpopular Tsipras government has expended a great deal of its remaining political “capital” in promising and delivering medium-term debt relief measures – something the IMF favors, in opposition to major European creditors.