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Greek vax com’t oks AstraZeneca jab for people above the age of 30

The head of Greece national committee for vaccinations, medical professor Maria Theodoridou, on Monday said more than 380,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine for Covid-19 have been conducted in the country, with only one incident of side effects reported so far to the relevant European pharmaceutical authority.

She also echoed most research from abroad, by which very few incidents of side-effects, such as blood clots, have been linked to the specific vaccinations, the oft-repeated one in 100,000 ratio.

The Greek state has recently unveiled a specific online platform for reported side-effects from Covid-19 jabs, especially blood clotting and thrombosis:

She also cited a decision by members of the committee to recommend that the specific vaccine be made available in the country to people above the age of 30, and without the need for precautionary exams or anti-clotting medicines.