Total confirmed coronavirus infections reached 2,663 in Greece as of Wednesday, 21 higher than on the previous day. The death toll rose by one, and now stands at 147, fortunately low compared to other EU countries and the UK.
The number of tests conducted for Covid-19 reached 87,000, also on the low end compared to other countries.
Of those infected,36 are in critical condition and on life support in ICUs. Most of the latter are males with an underlying condition.
On a more worrying note, Prof. Sotiris Tsiodras, who heads up an experts’ committee set up by the government to deal with the pandemic, 11 of the new infections were reported at the country’s largest military hospital, the 401 unit in Athens.
In terms of the victims, the average age was 75, while no less than 93 percent suffered from an underlying condition or were above the age of 70.