The Bank of Greece (BoG) on Thursday said non-performing rxposures (NPEs) affecting the domestic credit sector reached 95.7 billion euros up until the end December 2017, down by 4.8 percent and 10 percent compared with the end of September 2017 and December 2016, respectively.
According to the BoG, the decrease – on an annual basis – recorded in the last quarter of 2017 was the most significant quarterly reduction since the beginning of the economic crisis in the country. Compared to March 2016, when NPEs reached their peak, the figure by the end of 2017 was down 12 percent, or 13 billion euros in absolute terms.
The BoG report provides, on a quarterly basis, an aggregate summary on the developments of the operational targets and selected Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that have been set by the Greek banks in relation to NPEs compared to the targets set in September 2017.
Based on the reporting framework, as defined by the Bank of Greece, supervising authorities obtain on a quarterly basis a granular view on banks’ asset quality metrics and a view on actual metrics for the submitted operational targets and selected KPIs.
Thursday’s report includes an extensive analysis of the targets set until December 2019.