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Reports: Number of new VLCC orders more-or-less the same as retired ships this year

The number of retiring Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC) over the recent period has been more-or-less been matched by orders for new VLCCs, according to Allied Shipbroking.

Specifically, since the beginning of 2018, new VLCC orders around the world reached 15, with companies announcing during the same period, that 17 such vessels will be sent to the scrap yard, based on TradeWinds data.

Kyklades Maritime is the most recent shipping company to put in an order for a VLCC, preceded by KOTC and JX Ocean.

Conversely, Tsakos Energy Navigation (ΤΕΝ), International Seaways and New Shipping announced that they were each sending a VLCC to the scrap yard.