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Govt’ ‘temporarily suspends’ evaluation process for Greek civil servants

A relevant minister on Thursday announced that an evaluation process for civil servants in Greece’s cavernous public sector will be “temporarily suspended”, following a request by the union representing employees in the state sector.

Minister Olga Gerovasili, who holds a portfolio entitled “administrative restructuring”, and who oversees the civil servant sector, issued a circular towards all public administration entities, referring to a need to “avoid unnecessary bureaucratic burdens” that will arise from “necessary technical readjustments in the evolution process” carried out by the ministry.

In bemoaning the possibility of more red-tape, she said a new and “clarifying” circular will be issued, expected by the first week of April.

April 8 is Orthodox Easter Sunday in Greece, with the previous week considered as a preferential period of taking vacation time or days off in the country.   

On its part, the civil servants’ union (ADEDY) called for a suspension of the evaluation process “until dialogue is completed”, with Gerovasili later citing a “deadline” of April 5 for concluding such dialogue.

In language echoing pre-memorandum periods, unionists also demanded the abolition of an amendment that barred civil servants, who refused to undergo evaluation, from consideration for supervisory positions.