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Joint actions for the sustainable operation of Greece-Cyprus maritine connection

On a bilateral level, it was agreed to develop joint actions and initiatives to create prospects for the sustainable operation of the Cyprus-Greece maritime passenger connection

Issues of mutual interest concerning the long-term competitiveness of European shipping, maritime education, as well as the current geopolitical developments affecting global shipping dominated the meeting between Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy Christos Stylianidis and Marina Hadjimanolis, Shipping Deputy Minister to the President of the Republic of Cyprus.

On a bilateral level, according to the Cypriot government, it was agreed to develop joint actions and initiatives to create prospects for the sustainable operation of the Cyprus-Greece maritime passenger connection, as well as the strengthening of cooperation and the exchange of know-how with regard to the digitization of services of both countries.

Marina Hadjimanolis: Excellent cooperation at all levels

In her statements, Marina Hadjimanolis noted that both Greece and Cyprus are two maritime states with a tradition, which are linked by centuries-old historical ties based on common values and principles, and emphasized that the cooperation is excellent at all levels.

She also underlined that this cooperation has been included in a structured framework following the institutionalization of the High-Level Cooperation Council of Greece and Cyprus.

Christos Stylianidis: To enhance efforts to ensure the competitiveness of European shipping

On his part, Stylianidis referred to the excellent relations between the two countries and the competent ministries for shipping, noting in particular the need to intensify efforts to ensure the competitiveness of European shipping.