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Skrekas: Greece’s re-industrialization is a national goal

The re-industrialization of Greece is a national goal

​”Growth cannot exist without healthy entrepreneurship nor can the country move forward. Therefore, the basic and main direction of our government is to support and promote healthy entrepreneurship,” Development Minister, Kostas Skrekas, said addressing the general assembly of the Central Union of Greek Chambers held in Kefalonia, representing Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

Skrekas pointed out that the Development Ministry in cooperation with Chambers are laying the foundations for strong and sustainable development that will bring more, better-paid jobs, contributing to the improvement of the standard of living of Greek men and women.

The re-industrialization of Greece is a national goal

The minister underlined that the re-industrialization of Greece with a comprehensive strategy is a priority and a national goal for the government, adding that the chambers can become pillars of development, innovation and extroversion in the business ecosystem.

As he said: “Greece produces, innovates and exports. We want to proceed with the re-industrialization of the country. Greece can and will succeed. We will do this along with the chambers. We want the Chambers to be extroverted and to constitute pillars of the development of innovative entrepreneurship in our country. This is what we will do. Together we will build the Greece that all Greek women and men deserve.”