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Out-of-court settlement for loans in Swiss franc

Borrowers who have taken out a loan in Swiss franc have already resorted to the tool of out-of-court settlement in order to find a solution

The out-of-court settlement appears to be a tool that could under conditions constitute a solution, even a partial one, for Swiss franc loans. It is already being used by some borrowers who do not see a judicial or other solution to their problem.

Borrowers who have taken out a loan in Swiss franc have already resorted to the tool of out-of-court settlement in order to find a solution, even if this solution comes at a significant cost. The main problem of these loans is that are not reduced over the years. “We are not trying to avoid paying. We are asking to pay for what we have borrowed,” the associations of the specific group of borrowers stated and to a large extent they are right, since the clause in Swiss francs, despite the lower interest rates of the currency, has skyrocketed the borrowing cost against the initial capital.

It seems, however, that the main problem faced by the specific borrowers is the fact that they have not found a solution to their problem in court decisions.

This issue concerns about 80,000 loans and 200,000 borrowers in our country, many of whom have appealed to the Court in the hope that their requests will be met and they will be able to get out of the “tunnel” at some point.

Contrary to what has happened in other countries abroad, the court decisions in Greece did not favor these borrowers.

Meanwhile, the government is monitoring the process, while examining similar situations at the European level. More specifically, it is examining the European legislation and legislative procedures in the EU member states. However, according to sources with knowledge of the matter, each case is separate and there is no possibility to align with the policies of the other countries.