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Dendias signs agreement for Greece’s accession to ‘European Sky Shield Initiative’


"It is a good opportunity for a reminder that it is absolutely necessary to preserve the current climate of lower tension and to avoid any provocations" Dendias stated

National Defence Minister Nikos Dendias is expected to sign an agreement for Greece’s accession to the NATO missile-defence project ‘European Sky Shield Initiative” on Thursday in Brussels.

Both Greece and Turkey will join ‘Sky Shield’ on Thursday, Dendias said  upon his arrival at a NATO defence ministers’ meeting, adding that he will also have the opportunity to meet with his Turkish counterpart Yasar Guler.

“I think that it is a good opportunity for a reminder that it is absolutely necessary to preserve the current climate of lower tension and to avoid any provocations, any actions that may threaten the calm climate that now prevails,” Dendias stated.

In addition, he noted that he will meet his French counterpart Sebastien Lecornu.

“I think coordination with France, with which we have a close strategic relationship, is always of particular importance,” he underlined.

Moreover, Dendias noted that today “we will discuss the preparation of the NATO Summit in Washington as well as the issues of supporting Ukraine.”