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myAADElive: New video call service in two languages

The first direct video call was made in a symbolic move by a Greek expatriate, at the consulate general in New York, in the presence of AADE chief, Giorgos Pitsilis, and Greece’s consul general in New York, Dinos Konstantinou

The digital service myAADElive of the Independent Public Revenue Authority is enriched with a new service of direct video call as of December 21.

The first direct video call was made in a symbolic move by a Greek expatriate, at the consulate general in New York, in the presence of AADE chief, Giorgos Pitsilis, and Greece’s consul general in New York, Dinos Konstantinou.

The myAADElive instant video call facilitates the processes of issuing passcodes, offering citizens the possibility to be served digitally and immediately, without the need to make an appointment or a visit to the Tax Bureau.

More specifically, any natural person can use the two digital applications and communicate directly via video call with the first available representative on the myAADElive platform, without the need to make an appointment beforehand.

In the case of a request for a passcode, the ability to authenticate via a direct video call is provided if automated mobile phone authentication is not possible.

Communication on myAADElive is available both in Greek or English.