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Skaramagas a green center of technological innovation

Shipbuilder George Prokopiou plans to turn the Skaramangas Shipyards into a center of sustainable, green development and technological innovation, oriented towards the sea.

The Greek shipowner, who owns the second largest fleet in Greece, in terms of capacity, a total of 16.1 million dwt, and has 63 commercial ships under construction (tankers, bulk carriers and LNG carriers), is in no hurry to implement his plan, since he wants first to “put in order” a shipyard that has been practically abandoned for a decade.

However, he has recently revealed his plans for the largest shipyards in the Eastern Mediterranean. As he has mentioned to “Naftemporiki”, he will create a center of technology and innovation. “We will also manufacture drones,” he stated.

However, he will do much more. His plans include shipbuilding and repair activity, defense hardware, as well as green energy production. He has referred to the construction of new technology ships, for coastal ferries with electric propulsion, but also for advanced shipbuilding materials (carbon fiber, carbon fiber, etc.).

He has also stated that he intends to build a natural gas power plant, but has ruled out building an LNG gasification unit (FSRU). Energy production from natural gas is environmentally friendly and does not pose any risks. He noted, in fact, that the production of CO² from the combustion will be collected in order to create methanol derivatives, which will make the use of the power plant completely neutral to the environment.

At the same time, he will proceed with the restoration of the shipyard’s tanks, the creation of fire-fighting infrastructure, energy coverage of the shipyard, and the re-operation of the cranes.

Pleasure boats could not be missing from his plans. In fact, pleasure boats of up to 60 meters in length are already being built in the marina with a privately owned small shipyard. The work done in Lavrio is expected to be transferred to Skaramangas and be further expanded.