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Confluence Challenge: 10+1 Challenges from Alumil, Isomat & KLEEMAN for researchers and startups

The 10 challenges are about finding smart solutions to improve a range of industrial processes

Three large industries Alumil”, “Isomat” and “Kleemann” invite researchers and startups to respond to the modern challenges faced by their industries and change the landscape with this initiative in the field of business innovation. This specific initiative, which is being implemented for the first time in Greece, paves the way for the application of smart and innovative solutions to the modern problems faced by Greek multinational industries and can be provided to researchers and start-ups from all over Greece and abroad through the Confluence Challenge.

More specifically, it concerns the implementation and joint contribution of the 4 pillars, i.e. Industry, Universities Research Communities, Young Entrepreneurship, and the State in an effort to connect the research community and the innovation ecosystem with Greek industry and to answer challenges for which so far no solutions have been provided by the market. Through the Confluence Challenge action, the companies set 10 challenges and 1 open invitation to anyone who has the knowledge and experience and is ready to contribute to the further development of their companies.

The 10 challenges are about finding smart solutions to improve a range of industrial processes: from product design to supplier/material research, chemical labelling, productivity forecasting, storage and transport optimization, financial processes and recycling packaging. In addition, the three companies also set an open challenge for anyone who has an original idea related to the field in which they operate.