No progress was reported from Saturday’s negotiations between the leftist Greek government and the top representatives of creditors, who returned last week to Athens in order to jumpstart talks aimed at achieving a conclusion of the now delayed second review of the Greek program (third bailout) by March 20.
As in the past when negotiations reached an impasse, the unresolved differences were referred to the staff (experts) level for further deliberation.
On the government side, one source said merely said that “more documentation is necessary.”
According to press reports in the immediate hours after negotiations broke off on Saturday, the two sides have still not agreed on the level of the tax-free threshold for annual income, which creditors want lowered. Currently, it stands at roughly 8,600 euros a year, which creditors have pointed out is amongst the highest in the Euro zone, and which leaves a much smaller percentage of Greek taxpayers paying income taxes.
Additionally, “serious differences” have arisen between Athens and the IMF over countervailing measures the former wants in order to enact austerity measures now for implementation after 2018, and in case the Greek state risks missing fiscal targets.
Another meeting between creditors – the previously named “Troika” which was subsequently remained the “Institutions” to appease the first Tsipras government — is scheduled for Sunday, which will include participation of the finance and labor ministers.