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Analyst: Specter of 4th bailout on the horizon if review not concluded

By Vassilis Kostoulas
[email protected]

Growing concern over the still delayed conclusion of the second review in tandem with the coming election season in several European countries have rekindled the specter of yet another bailout for crisis-bedeviled Greece, according to a local analyst.

In comments to “N” this week, Dimitris Karidis, a Panteios University professor of international relations, said the risk of a fourth memorandum (bailout agreement) now appears on the horizon, in case the second review is not concluded by June.

The second review of the program, now in its third “edition”, was scheduled to have been concluded last year, with delays going from month to month.

Prof. Karidis warned that galloping nationalist-flavored populism across Europe could cause many erstwhile critics in Greece to wax nostalgic of what they previously derided as the European “directorate”.