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Economist: The most business-friendly destinations in the world; Greece’s positive prospects

The EIU analysts noted: "Greece shows the greatest improvement in the business environment for the period 2024-2028"

Large financial centers in Asia and the US, but also strong European economies appear at the top of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) list of the most business-friendly destinations. Greece may remain out of the top ten for now, but it is the country that the Economist expects to register the greatest improvement in the business environment for the period 2024-2028, among 82 countries.

According to the report, the countries where the greatest improvements are expected to be recorded compared to the previous five years (2019-2023) are not necessarily the same as those that will show the highest growth rates in the next five years. Certainly in some countries, such as Qatar and India, strong growth does translate into noticeable improvements in infrastructure investment, but also in business opportunities. The improvement of the business environment is also moving in parallel with the growth of real GDP, spending on infrastructure projects and foreign direct investments. But reforms are also needed.

With regard to Greece, the EIU analysts noted: “Greece shows the greatest improvement in the business environment for the period 2024-2028. This development reflects a business-friendly government under New Democracy, now in its second term, which has pushed through reforms, cut taxes and boosted business confidence.”
It is noted that the subcategory in which our country is expected to register the largest progress is that of financing. The recovery of the investment grade, the noticeable improvement in the banking sector, but also the absorption of the resources of the Recovery Fund clearly play an important role.

Top countries by business environment score

The EIU’s Business Environment Index reveals that Singapore, Denmark and the US will be the top three geographic destinations for business over the next five years. Europe is represented by three more countries: Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, while Canada, New Zealand and Hong Kong are also included in the top ten.

Alexis Patelis’ post

The chief economic adviser to the Prime Minister of Greece, Alexis Patelis, expressed his enthusiasm in a post on X (former Twitter).

“Just in! Greece sees the biggest improvement in the business environment among 82 countries according to the latest Economist Intelligence Unit report.”