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6.9% point-lead for ND over SYRIZA in latest poll

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) party fields a 6.9-percentage point lead over ruling SYRIZA in the latest opinion poll released on Wednesday evening. The results were shown on the Athens-based Open TV station, and conducted by the Alco firm.

The same company’s previous results, in February 2019, gave ND a 6.5-percentage point lead over SYRIZA.

In absolute numbers, the center-right party is preferred by 26.6 percent of respondents to hard left SYRIZA’s 19.7 percent.

Based on the results, only another three parties poll more than 3 percent, the threshold (of valid votes in a general election) need to enter Parliament: Golden Dawn (7 percent); Kinima Allagis (5.6 percent), and the Communist Party (5.3 percent).

The “undecided” total reaches 19.4 percent.

In an ominous result for the ruling party, 71 percent of respondents said they did not believe the Greek economy is on a recovery, as opposed to 23 percent who said it was.