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Alpha Gas invests 500 million dollars in VLACs

Πηγή φωτ.

The order book of the Angelicoussis Shipping Group reached a double digit number, after the decision of Alpha Gas, its tanker arm, to make an investment opening in ammonia transport ships.

The South Korean shipyard HD Hyundai Heavy Industries announced that it has received an order for two VLACs (Very Large Ammonia Carriers), for a total of 249 million US dollars, without disclosing the name of the company behind the deal. In the same announcement it was pointed out that the delivery of the two ships will be completed by the second quarter of 2027.

According to shipping sources, the order was placed by Alpha Gas, which until now was active exclusively in the market for ships transporting liquefied natural gas (LNG).

The same sources pointed out that the company made an agreement for two more new vessels at the South Korean Hanwha Ocean shipyard, with scheduled delivery in 2027, for 250 million US dollars.

According to “Naftemporiki” sources, the Group was “working” on the project for some months before the end of 2023, discussing with shipyards that were capable of carrying out these demanding works.

South Korean yards specialize in such specialized tonnage, having secured the majority of orders so far.

Double digit orderbook

Alpha Gas’ latest order brings to 12 the number of ships under construction of the Angelicoussis Group.