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Greece unveils new aid scheme to combat high energy cost

The Ministry of Environment and Energy announced on Tuesday that it would continue to support electricity consumers in August with a total amount of 19 million euros.

More specifically, the subsidies for electricity in household tariffs and for all main and non-main residence services, without income criteria and regardless of provider, are as follows in August:

For monthly consumption up to 500kWh, the subsidy will be 10 Euro/MWh. This category covers 90% of households in Greece.

People with a monthly consumption of more than 500 kWh are entitled to the same support, provided that they reduce their average daily energy consumption by 15% compared to last year.

Households that are included in the ‘social tariff programme’ are entitled to an economic aid of 50 Euro/MWh.

Farmers, regardless of supply power and voltage level, are entitled to an economic aid of 10 Euro/MWh.