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DiGiYouth: 100 young people preparing for the labor market through Microsoft’s partnership with ReGeneration

Almost 50% of market ready youth are women, actively reducing the gender gap in technology.

More than 100 young women and men are ready to enter the labor market after being trained and certified in soft and digital skills, according to data from Microsoft academies and the partnership with ReGeneration.

Focusing on skills necessary for the new labor market (skilling for employability) the academies are part of Microsoft’s GRforGrowth initiative to train 100,000 people, including students, graduates, unemployed and professionals from the public and private sectors. Young participants have received and are still receiving intensive training and skills to prepare them for the job market, enabling them to pursue rewarding careers in technology.

The academies’ appeal extends beyond major urban centers, with many participants from rural areas proving that talent and ambition can thrive regardless of location.

Almost 50% of market ready youth are women, actively reducing the gender gap in technology. Based on Microsoft’s Digital Futures Index map, Greece is one of the countries where women with digital skills exceed the average on the scale of progress. With academies like the ReGeneration Academy on Technical Business Analysis 4 Women, the strengthening of digital competence towards a more sustainable future continues.